Ce sont près de 51 nationalités qui se retrouvent à la HEG.

A la HEG-Genève, vous recevez une formation de niveau universitaire qui vous ouvre les portes du monde du travail.

  • Étudier à la HEG
  • Procédures
  • Préparer son échange
  • La vie à Genève
  • Témoignages

Étudier à la HEG

Grâce au système de partenariat mis en place avec les entreprises, administrations et  organisations, vous bénéficiez d’un extraordinaire réseau qui vous sera utile plus tard. L’ouverture se traduit aussi via la mobilité et les échanges internationaux des étudiant-es comme du corps enseignant.


Veuillez respecter les périodes de nomination et d'inscription suivantes

Nomination : Période durant laquelle les universités partenaires annoncent à la HEG-Genève les étudiant-es intéressé-es par le programme de mobilité

  • Pour le semestre d’automne : du 1er mars au 15 mai
  • Pour le semestre de printemps : du 1er septembre au 15 octobre

Inscription : Période pendant laquelle les étudiant-es effectuent leurs inscriptions auprès de la HEG-Genève

  • Pour le semestre d’automne : du 1er mars au 1er juin
  • Pour le semestre de printemps : du 1er septembre au 1er novembre


Dès que le service des relations internationales de votre université nous aura fait parvenir votre nomination, nous vous enverrons un e-mail avec la procédure à suivre.

Vous devrez ainsi:

  1. Télécharger notre formulaire de candidature, le remplir et nous l'envoyer directement par e-mail.
  2. Remplir un formulaire en ligne (le lien vous sera transmis dans notre e-mail)
  3. Télécharger et remplir le formulaire de Learning Agreement selon les critères que vous trouverez dans l’onglet Learning Agreement. Nous l’envoyer directement par mail.
  4. Après validation de votre candidature par la HEG, vous recevrez une lettre d’acceptation.

Il ne vous restera plus qu'à planifier votre séjour : budget, logement, réservation des billets pour le voyage, etc.

Learning Agreement

Vous devrez télécharger et compléter le formulaire de Learning Agreement de la filière choisie.

Etudiant-es venant d'une université de l'Union Européenne

Bachelor of Science en international Business Management (Enseigné en anglais)
Bachelor of Science en Economie d'entreprise (Enseigné en français)
Bachelor of Science en Information Science (Enseigné en français et en anglais)
Bachelor of Science en Informatique de gestion (Enseigné en français)

Etudiant-es venant d'une université hors de l'Union Européenne

Bachelor of Science en international Business Management (Enseigné en anglais)
Bachelor of Science en Economie d'entreprise (Enseigné en français)
Bachelor of Science en Information Science (Enseigné en français et en anglais)
Bachelor of Science en Informatique de gestion (Enseigné en français)


Si votre université participe au programme d'échange Erasmus+, vous recevrez une bourse de CHF 380.- ou CHF 440.- par mois selon votre pays européen d'origine. La bourse vous sera délivrée au début du semestre d'échange. Aucune démarche administrative ne doit être entreprise à l'avance.

Si vous provenez d'une université hors Europe, une bourse peut également vous être octroyée si l'enveloppe budgétaire le permet (la décision est prise au terme de chaque année académique).

Préparer son échange

Un visa d’entrée est obligatoire pour tous les étudiants venant d’un pays non membre de l’UE/AELE.

Un permis de séjour est obligatoire pour tous les étudiants venant d’un pays étranger et séjournant en Suisse pendant l’échange.

Tous les étudiants doivent être couverts par une assurance maladie.

Nous vous recommandons de commencer vos recherches de logements dès que vous recevrez votre lettre d’acceptation de la HEG.

La vie à Genève

Ne cherchez plus, vous y êtes. La HEG-Genève c’est la réponse à vos attentes professionnelles. Non seulement, vous y recevez une formation de niveau universitaire mais en plus on vous ouvre les portes du monde du travail.

Grâce au système de partenariat mis en place avec les entreprises, administrations et organisations, vous bénéficiez d’un extraordinaire réseau qui vous sera utile plus tard. L’ouverture se traduit aussi via la mobilité et les échanges internationaux des étudiant-es comme du corps enseignant.

La HEG c’est tout un esprit, entre innovation, éthique et développement durable. C'est aussi la seule Haute école de Suisse à regrouper les quatre filières d'études liées à l'économie et aux services.

A vous de choisir votre avenir !

Avant de préparer votre programme d'échange, consultez notre International Student Guide qui vous fournira toutes les informations nécessaires pour organiser vos études et votre séjour à la HEG et à Genève.

À propos

Un voyage se passe de motifs. Il ne tarde pas à prouver qu'il se suffit à lui-même. Certains pensent qu'ils font un voyage, en fait, c'est le voyage qui vous fait ou vous défait.

Nicolas Bouvier

En tant qu'étudiant-e en échange, vous pouvez choisir vos cours dans n'importe quelle année des formations bachelor suivantes, en tenant compte de votre domaine d'études et de votre semestre d'échange (automne ou printemps):

Vous avez la possibilité d'étudier entièrement en français, en anglais, ou de choisir des cours dans les deux langues si votre niveau est adéquat (niveau B2 recommandé).

Il n'est pas nécessaire de nous fournir un certificat de langue. Toutefois, vous devez avoir les compétences linguistiques suffisantes pour suivre les cours auxquels vous êtes inscrit et réussir vos examens.

Le Campus

La HEG se situe sur le campus universitaire de Battelle, dans le haut de Carouge, une jolie commune de Genève.

L'enceinte est composée de plusieurs bâtiments partagés entre la HEG et d'autres institutions universitaires.

Visite virtuelle de la HEG-Genève et du Campus Battelle

Présentation de Genève

Le territoire du canton de Genève s’étend sur 282 km2 et compte aujourd’hui plus de 445 000 habitants. La ville de Genève compte 185 000 habitants et est considérée comme l’une des villes où la qualité de vie est la meilleure.

Le canton forme une enclave entourée du territoire français et est situé entre les Alpes et le Jura, à l’extrémité sud-ouest de la Suisse et du lac Léman. Le Rhône et l’Arve sont les deux principaux cours d’eau qui le traversent.

Genève est une ville mondialement connue et elle occupe une situation géographique privilégiée qui la met, par avion, à une heure des grandes villes européennes comme Londres, Barcelone, Rome, Paris, Milan ou encore Amsterdam.

Genève abrite environ 200 organisations internationales, gouvernementales ou non gouvernementales dont l’Office des Nations Unies (ONU), la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement (CNUCED), l’Organisation Internationale du Travail (OIT), l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unis pour les Réfugiés (UNHCR), etc.

Par ailleurs, Genève est l'une des principales villes de congrès du monde. Ces échanges contribuent à son dynamisme, son ouverture d'esprit et sa perception différente du monde qui l'entoure. Mais Genève a aussi un énorme pouvoir d'intégration et d'assimilation, les étrangers représentent environ 40% de la population, soit plus de 160 nationalités, ils se sentent chez eux grâce à l’attachement aux traditions. De plus, elle est l'une des plus importantes places financières du monde et est choisie comme siège mondial par de nombreuses entreprises multinationales

La ville de Genève et ses alentours proposent durant toute l’année de magnifiques activités sportives (la course de l’Escalade, la coupe Davis, les sports d’hiver), musicales (fêtes de la musique, Montreux Jazz festival, Paléo festival), et diverses expositions.

Pour plus d'informations: Fondation Genève Tourisme


École Léonard de Vinci,  Belgique

Arrival in Geneva

I’m Joachim QI, 20 years old, currently studying at Haute École Léonard de Vinci in Computer Sciences, specialized in Application Development.

During my studies, the opportunity was afforded me to pursue an international exchange for a semester at the Haute École de Gestion (HEG) in Geneva, studying Business Informatics. My interest lies in embarking on new adventures that push me out of my comfort zone, allowing me to confront challenges and test my adaptability in entirely unfamiliar environments I intended to explore an academic, social, and cultural atmosphere and gain advanced skills simultaneously.

I have been impressed with the organization and support since my arrival at HEG.

Etudiants posant devant la HEG-Genève

Thanks to clear guidance and effective resources, I found my marks in HEG quite easily. Further help in integration was given by the student association, of which I later became a member. The members of this association became the mainstays throughout my semester.

Group projects in a lot of courses gave me an opportunity to interact with local students. Such interactions, however, were most enriching since an opportunity like this means being able not only to learn something new from people but also to share your knowledge. In the given semester, I have developed already several big projects: the development of the first version of the video game and a simulated mission as AI consultant for the company. These experiences helped me tackle concrete challenges, strengthen my technical skills, and widen my creativity.

Social experience

Building relationships with people was the most rewarding experience of my Erasmus. I got to meet some amazing people both in and out of school, and make lifetime memories. Free student activities, such as badminton, allowed me to get to know people outside the classroom and expand my social circle. Interacting with people played a very important role in making my Erasmus journey fulfilling.

In addition to academics, I spent much of my free time discovering Switzerland-for instance, by making short journeys and hiking trips which enabled me to witness striking landscapes that would make your breath catch in wonder at the abundance of natural beauty the country was bestowed with. Speechless before diversity and cultural richness of Switzerland: Interlaken, Bern, Lucerne, and Lausanne from urban areas, or its countryside for hiking trips.

These trips not only deepened my love for nature but also helped me in creating unforgettable memories.

Etudiants dans un parc

Like any experience abroad, being far away from home came with its challenges. However, the resources provided by the school were instrumental in helping me through these moments. The health center, most especially, proved to be a good partner in keeping me fit throughout the semester. I was able to stay focused and make full use of this incredible experience through these support systems.


This Erasmus semester in Geneva was truly a life-changing experience. I will end this journey far more mature, wiser, and confident than I was at the beginning. Whereas previously I was very unsure whether I wanted to do my master's afterwards, now I am sure I want to come back to Switzerland to start my life here. In this semester, I found surroundings that embark oninnovativeness, collaboration, and personal growth.

Let me put it this way: my Erasmus period in Geneva was waymore than an academic exchange. From cultural discovery toambitious projects, passing through meaningful connections, thisjourney will remain a cornerstone in my personal and professionaldevelopment. I recommend this adventure to all those who arewilling to get out of their comfort zone and start a life-changingjourney.

Patchwork de photos
Joachim QI IG, 2024-2025

Pontifica Universidade Católica do Paranà, Curitibia, Brésil

It seems like it was just yesterday when I filled out my first form for my studies in Switzerland. What felt like a distant dream is now coming to an end. Studying in such an international city, home to various world organizations, embraced by the Alps and Lac Le Man, was the perfect experience to share knowledge, perspectives, and dreams.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Stéphanie, Nicole, and the entire International Relations team for all the support provided during this incredible semester. HEG is a spectacular university. From the beginning, I was captivated by the innovative and practical approach of the management and business courses. The professors, true experts in their fields, not only conveyed knowledge but also shared their professional experiences, providing valuable insights. Team projects at HEG were a living testament to its practical approach. Collaborating with peers from different nationalities and backgrounds was not just a task but an opportunity to apply theories in real-world scenarios.

As I bid farewell to this university, my heart is filled with mixed emotions, yet I am overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude for having gained the most from this enriching experience. I made a conscious effort to take advantage of the opportunity to attend engaging classes with renowned professors at HEG, going beyond the credit requirements of my Brazilian university to dive even more deeply into learning. During my stay here, I not only refined my French but also improved a lot my English, expanding not only my academic knowledge but also my language skills. Thinking about the challenges I've faced during my time at HEG, I see that every obstacle has helped build my resilience and adaptability. These experiences have become an important part of my educational journey, adding depth to my overall understanding. Additionally, the impactful teaching approach of the professors at HEG has greatly influenced my ability to handle and overcome these challenges. Their insightful methods and hands-on guidance have left a lasting impression on my academic and personal growth.

It's not a permanent farewell, but a temporary goodbye. Leaving Geneva, I am filled with gratitude and newfound insights, excitedly looking forward to coming back soon. The HEG has earned my respect and affinity, emerging as a perfect option for future studies, perhaps even for pursuing my master's degree. I hope that I also left a good impression for the university. May the connections formed here, the lessons learned, and the moments shared be part of an ongoing journey. I look forward to returning to Geneva to contribute and learn even more. Until soon, with the hope of encountering this welcoming city and the inspiring HEG community once more.

Giovanna Pissetti Muniz IBM, 2023/2024

Kozminski University Varsovie, Pologne

In 2022 I officially became a student of Kozminski University in Poland, but this year I was given an unimaginable opportunity to try myself in other country and other university – to participate in Erasmus exchange program. Having applied to HEG university I spent six months as an exchange student in such a wonderful university and country and this period really helped me to develop my skills as well as to gain an amazing experience. University itself is very beautiful, large and modern. All classrooms are very well equipped and there are projectors and TVs in each class. Also, I would like to note the main hall of the university, which has a very pleasant area for students to relax, where they can either play table football or gather and study together. I’ll mention the library in the same way, since there is a huge number of books or materials and separate rooms for “quiet” study, where you can also use computers. But the most delicious part of the university is the canteen. There were always very fresh and tasty dishes, as well as a wide variety of Swiss desserts.

Speaking of the teachers, all are competent teachers with a lot of experience and real internships in very large companies. As an Erasmus student, I was interested to learn from other teachers and see what teaching methods are applied in Switzerland. During the semester there were a large number of interesting and practical projects, both in groups and individually. It was difficult sometimes and there was not always enough time due to the amount of work, but we were always able to freely turn to the teacher and ask for his advice or help.

Also, on my own behalf, I would like to say a huge thank you to the organizational team of HEG University for the super interesting events for us as an exchange students, which diversified our staying in the new country as well as to make studying interesting and inspiring! On the first day, we had a wonderful welcome day, where we were shown the university and the library, we were introduced to each other and given branded gifts and badges. Afterwards we had a delicious lunch together at a restaurant and a 2-hour tour of Geneva which was very exciting. Also, during the semester, we were invited to many events, both traditional Swiss and entertaining for students.

I fell endlessly in love with Geneva and the HEG University itself, as it will forever be a part of my life. Here I met many interesting people as teachers and students both from Switzerland and from different countries. University disciplines and attitude, as well as all professors and their teaching methods gave a huge experience to me not only as a future specialist but pervades me with unforgettable memories as a student!

Kandratsyeva Ahata IBM, 2023/2024

CUNEF Madrid, Espagne

My personal experience during all these 5 months at Geneva has been great. This program has completely surpassed all my expectations and I feel I have learned so much both professionally and personally.

I am very surprised with the level and quality of the courses. All the teachers have the best formation and a ton of experience with which they delight students. They are also always open to answer all your questions and doubts which is really helpful for foreign students. Lessons are very practical and focused on real life situations which is certainly a positive thing for us students to learn. The education at HEG is less focused on exams and much more focused on group works, I think this is a very positive part of this university as students become able to understand how real life works. Moreover, this university offers a very wide range of subjects upon which to choose, in order for you to freely choose what you would like to learn.

The other thing that impacted me was the excellent atmosphere there is within the university. The HEG has a perfect equilibrium between internationals and Swiss people. They provide a very good attention to Erasmus students which we really appreciate. Swiss people are also very welcoming, kind and helpful. The HEG puts a lot of effort in the integration of every student, due to the numerous events the university has prepared. A welcoming and goodbye lunch, a city tour where we first got to know the Erasmus students, as well as trips to beautiful Swiss cities and chocolate factories. This experience has allowed me to meet people from all around the world which I never thought I could get to know without this Erasmus program.

I would really recommend this university and this experience to anyone who asks me, I am very thankful for everything I have learned. What I liked the most was the perfect equilibrium between the educational part and the personal part of this semester. I believe doing an Erasmus can only benefit oneself and it’s such an enriching experience I will never forget.

Lucia Maria Pérez Yañez IBM, 2021/2022