Workshop on economic valuation of forest ecosystem services
Forests provide a multitude of goods and services. They offer protection against natural hazards and deliver wood and drinking water. They are a habitat for plants and animals, as well as a space for recreation. Forests also contribute substantially to the conservation of landscape diversity and the storage of carbon dioxide.
Our workshop aims at reviewing and discussing methods, results and policy implications of the economic valuation of forest functions in industrialized countries.
Date of the workshop: 29 January 2016
- Deadline for attendance registration : 22 January 2016
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Nicolas Borzykowski (photo : Alexander Mack) | Table ronde : (de gauche à droite) Patrik Fouvy, Matthias Kläy, Patrick Schmutz, Beat Bürgenmeier, Thierry Fischer (photo : Alexander Mack) |
Keynote speakers
- Serge Garcia (pdf presentation)
Laboratoire d’économie forestière AgroParisTech - Tiina Häyhä (presentation available upon request)
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University - Roland Olschewski (pdf presentation)
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL - Stefan von Grünigen (pdf presentation)
- Nicolas Borzykowski (pdf presentation)
HEG Genève - Stefano Carattini (pdf presentation)
HEG Genève, London School of Economics - Justice Mensah (pdf presentation)
Swedish University of agricultural sciences - Franz Murbach (pdf presentation)
Federal Statistical Office, Section Environment, Sustainable Development, Territory - Jonas Ngouhouo Poufoun (pdf presentation)
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) - Jaime Sainz (pdf presentation)
Center for Economic research (CIDE Mexico) - Laetitia Tuffery (pdf presentation)
Evry University
Table ronde (in french)
- Beat Burgenmeier
Université de Genève - Patrik Fouvy
DGNP, Directeur des espaces naturels - Matthias Kläy
OFEV, prestations forestières, formation forestière - Patrick Schmutz
Energie Durable SA
Scientific and organising committee
Andrea Baranzini - HEG-Genève / Nicolas Borzykowski - HEG-Genève / Mehdi Farsi - UniNe / Géraud Krähenbühl - UniNe / Alexander Mack - UniNe / David Maradan - HEG-Genève / Alain Schönenberger - UniNe / Milad Zarin-Nejadan - UniNe
Haute école de gestion de Genève
Campus de Battelle, Bâtiment F
Room F305
Route de Drize 7
1227 Carouge - Genève
Participation is free
Coordinator and contact
Nicolas Borzykowski
Haute école de gestion de Genève
Campus de Battelle, Bâtiment F
Route de Drize 7
1227 Carouge - Genève
Tel. +41 22 38818 52