02 Juillet 2020
Nouveau livre

"Leading Change in Academic Libraries is a collection of 20 change stories authored by academic librarians from different types of four-year institutions. Librarians tell the story firsthand of how they managed major change in processes, functions, services, programs, or overall organizations using John Kotter's Eight-Stage Process of Creating Major Change as a framework for examining change at their institutions, measuring their successes and areas for improvement, and determining progress. In five sections -strategic planning, reorganization, culture change, new roles, and technological change- chapters discuss tackling common challenges such as fear, anxiety, change fatigue, complacency, unexpected changes of leadership, vacancies, and resistance; look at the results of their tactics; and provide effective practices they found. Each section ends with a thorough analysis of the stories within and the most effective tips for leading that kind of change." [extrait de la 4e de couverture]

Notice bibliographique

BOFF, Colleen (ed). Leading change in academic libraries. Chicago : ACRL, 2020. 324 p. ISBN 9780838947692