Jeudi 10 octobre 2024 17h30 - 21h00 HEG-Genève, Bâtiment B, salle B5.18

Assembling an ESG focused team ?

A 100 Women in Finance event, hosted by HEG-Genève in collaboration with IG Bank.

The mission of the 100 Women in Finance is to strengthen the global finance industry by empowering women to achieve their professional potential at each career stage.

Programme :

  • 17:30 Registration 
  • 18:00-19:00 :
    • Introduction : Dorothée Borca Dumortier, IG Bank
    • Presentation : Anjeza Kadilli, HEG-Geneva
    • Discussion : Eglantine Jamet and Isabelle Cohen Solal
    • Q&A : Moderator Isabelle Cohen Solal
  • 19:00-20.30 Cocktail