Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
Sustainable Finance
The Geneva School of Business Administration (Haute école de gestion Genève – HEG) of the HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland is offering the first online Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Sustainable Finance to help finance professionals seize growing opportunities offered by responsible investment.
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
17 march 2025
6 months
10 March 2025
- Program overview
- Program
- Organisation
- Applications
- News & Media
- Testimonials
Program overview
Training in Sustainable Finance
Today, responsible investment represents more than 25% of all professionally managed assets, according to the Global Sustainable Investment Review. For finance professionals, sustainability represents new opportunities in terms of jobs and markets. It is also a source of innovation in financial products and services. The interest for sustainable finance is increasing rapidly among private investors (millennials), as well as among institutional investors.
Designed by professionals for professionals, this programme is mainly organized through online teaching in English and it is well grounded in the Swiss tradition of excellence. Seasoned sustainable finance experts from the financial, banking, international organisations and academic domains have contributed to this CAS. A final week in Geneva is devoted to networking, live presentations, discussions and visits at expert organisations, enabling participants to dive into the rich local sustainability ecosystem.
The CAS Sustainable Finance is targeting a local and international audience of finance professionals willing to take the next turn in their career by mastering the theory and practice of this growing field: financial analysts, portfolio managers, independent wealth managers, client advisors, and junior ESG analysts.
Recognized as Best Pedagogical Innovation at the FIR-PRI Finance & Sustainability Awards 2019

The CAS Sustainable Finance will be open for 26 weeks: students will have 25 weeks maximum to follow the 9 steps of the online education part of the program.
- Step 1: Sustainability and you - From capitalism to sustainable development
- Step 2: Be a bank CEO - Sustainability, business & finance
- Step 3: Define your investment charter - The role of asset owners
- Step 4: Set practical investment guidelines - ESG criteria
- Step 5: Implement ESG assessments - Responsible investment
- Step 6: Submit an investment idea - SDG, thematic and impact investing
- Step 7: Select the right funds - Responsible investment process
- Step 8: Be an active shareholder - Corporate governance & engagement
- Step 10: Formulate your investment process - Walking the path of sustainable finance
In Geneva
- Kick-off meeting 28 March 2025
- Step 9: Meet Geneva experts’ sustainability ecosystem - Recent developments in sustainable finance: 5 June, 28 to 29 August 2025

Antoine Mach
Co-founder and managing partner of Covalence SA, a Geneva-based company specialized in Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) ratings, founded in 2001. He co-founded Sustainable Finance Geneva.

Anjeza Kadilli
Professeure HES assistanteAnjeza Kadilli, Ph.D, is assistant professor of sustainable finance at Geneva School of Business Administration. She has many years of experience as a senior economist in the banking sector with a macroeconomic and ESG research focus. She strongly believes that finance, as a fund vehicle, can play a major role towards a more sustainable future.
Educational design

Jean Laville
Partner at Conser, an independent consultancy firm dedicated to sustainable finance. He is also Deputy Director of Swiss Sustainable Finance, an association promoting sustainable finance in Switzerland.

Kookie Habtegaber
She is a development economist. Her main focus has been on the interface between economic development, environmental risks and sustainable finance. Most recently Kookie served as the global lead for WWF’s green economy work.
The structure of the CAS Sustainable Finance combines theory, concepts, industry expert interviews, and practical exercises, and is supported by mandatory and optional readings in addition to video material and tests. The practical dimension of this programme will allow participants to endorse different roles relevant to a full responsible investment process.
For example, students will act as the CEO of a bank and as an asset owner defining their values and investment guidelines. They will also play the role of an analyst defining ESG criteria and applying the guidelines, and of an asset manager in charge of selecting the right investment funds.
As virtual shareholders, students will exercise their voting rights and engage with companies on certain themes. Finally, participants will discuss the steps of their investment process during the last week of the course in Geneva.
Experts from the following organisations have been interviewed for this course: Conser Invest, de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), ethos, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Impact Finance Management S.A., International Labour Organization, Lombard Odier, Nest Fondation collective, Oberson Abels, PeaceNexus Foundation, Pictet & Cie SA, Quadia, SGS, Sustainable Finance Geneva, Swiss Sustainable Finance, Symbiotics, UNEP Finance Initiative, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), University of Oxford, and University of Geneva.
Learning outcomes
This course will enable participants to understand the drivers and characteristics of the sustainable finance movement and to build their own responsible investment strategy whether it be as a corporate actor, an investor, an asset manager, or as an active shareholder.
At the end of the programme, the participant is able to:
- Justify why sustainability is relevant to the financial sector
- Combine the constraints of risk, return, and impact
- Conduct ESG analyses and select responsible investment products
- Understand active ownership and engage with companies on sustainability issues
- Report on a full responsible investment process
Applications sent after the official registration deadline will be taken into account depending on the places availability. Please contact the executive education office directly.
Applications will be treated on a «first-come first-served» basis and will be restricted for pedagogical reasons. In addition to the signed application form, the application must include the followings: curriculum vitae, motivation letter, copy of highest diploma, work certificates, copy of ID and a recent picture.
A non-refundable registration fee of CHF 200.- is due and a proof of payment must accompany the application file.
For the complete programme (distance learning & Geneva on-site classes): the programme fee is CHF 6’000.-. It does not include potential travel and hotel expenses in Geneva.
For the distance learning ONLY (steps 1-9): the programme fee is CHF 4’000.-.
To register for the complete programme, please use the following online link:
To register for the distance learning ONLY, please download the registration form below:
News & Media
The program management shares its news, publications, conferences and media publications on the themes of Sustainable Finance training for the general public.
- Sustainability Regulation and Financial Markets
Newsletter de l’Association suisse des gestionnaires de fortune (ASG), 3 décembre 2024 - Les malentendus de la finance durable
Le Temps, 14 avril 2024
- Finance durable: une question de définitions
Allnews, 13 décembre 2023 - Resserrement du périmètre de la finance durable
Allnews, 15 novembre 2023 - Cinq leaders ESG crédibles
Allnews, 18 octobre 2023 - Remue-ménage autour de la notation ESG
Allnews, 20 septembre 2023 - L’ambition verte européenne au défi du réel
Allnews, 24 août 2023 - La finance durable est soutenue de la gauche au centre droit
Le Temps, 9 juillet 2023 - Raison d’être ou ne pas être
Allnews, 28 juin 2023 - La finance durable, vecteur d’innovation
Entreprise Romande, 12 mai 2023 - Grand débat – Les citoyens doivent-ils reprendre le pouvoir financier ?
Émission Forum de la RTS, 9 mai 2023 - Starbucks et droits syndicaux: le calme avant la tempête ?
Allnews, 5 avril 2023 - Entente illégale et gestion durable
Allnews, 15 mars 2023 - Préoccupations citoyennes autour de la finance
Allnews, 15 février 2023 - La finance durable à l’heure des choix
Le Temps, 6 février 2023 - A Davos avec les funambules du capitalisme responsable
Allnews, 18 janvier 2023
- Le grand reclassement des fonds «vert foncé»
Le Temps, 19 décembre 2022 - Les promesses incertaines de la matérialité simple
Allnews, 19 octobre 2022 - Des banques américaines pourraient quitter l’alliance sur le climat
TDG, 2 octobre 2022 - Une centaine de professionnels formés en finance durable
Allnews, 21 sep 2022 - Une gouvernance crédible est favorisée à court terme
Allnews, 15 août 2022 - Sur le social, la sincérité paie à long terme
Allenews, 18 juil 2022 - Le greenwashing est pénalisé par les marchés à long terme
Allenews, 22 juin 2022 - Mesurer l’exposition des portefeuilles au risque de greenwashing
Allenews, 18 mai 2022 - Le casse-tête des taxonomies ESG
Allenews, 20 avril 2022 - Quelle approche d’investissement durable avec la Russie?
Allenews,16 mars 2022 - Parties prenantes en quête de valeurs
Allenews, 16 février 2022 - Coût et crédibilité des engagements ESG
Allenews,19 janvier 2022
- Avancer entre bluff, illusion et abstention
Allenews, 15 décembre 2021 - Les origines optimistes de la finance durable
Allenews,17 novembre 2021 - La crédibilité de la finance durable fait débat
Allenews, 20 octobre 2021 - Teaching ESG, not as easy as ABC
Geneva Solutions, 8 octobre 2021 - Les autorités de surveillance entrent dans la danse
Allenews, 28 septembre 2021 - Les vertus insoupçonnées des hedge funds
Allenews, 26 août 2021 - «Agua!» ou les super-pouvoirs de Cristiano Ronaldo
Allenews,22 juilet 2021 - Le chat de Battelle
Allenews, 16 juin 2021 - Evénements ESG et mouvements boursiers
Allenews,19 mai 2021 - Au croisement de la finance verte et du numérique
Allenews,7 mai 2021
- Finance durable : tous les chemins mènent à Genève
Fondation Genève Place Financière, 6 octobre 2020 - De la finance dure à une finance qui dure
Tribune de Genève, 9 janvier 2020
- CAS Sustainable Finance
www.cinfo.ch - Meilleure Innovation Pédagogique 2019
www.frenchsif.org - Economie durable: «Multiplier les liens»
www.bilan.ch, 30 octobre 2019 - Répondre au besoin de crédibilité
www.allnews.ch, 28 octobre 2019 - HEG Genève : Prix de l'innovation pédagogique pour sa formation certifiante en finance durable
Tribune de Genève, 10 octobre 2019 - Results of 2019 European FIR - PRI Awards “Finance & Sustainability”
FIR - Forum pour l'Investissement Responsable, 9 octobre 2019 - « Une effervescence s'est emparée de la place financière genevoise »
Le Temps, 12 avril 2019 - Présentation d'une nouvelle formation
Agefi, 30 janvier 2019 - La HEG-Genève propose le premier CAS en finance durable
www.allnews.ch, 24 janvier 2019 - Premier CAS en finance durable en ligne
www.hes-so.ch, 11 janvier 2019